Registered Practitioners
List of available practitioners in Sagh'ic Practice
Registered Practitioners will be continually and consistently, those Initiated and/or Ordained members of the SAF and in good standing. They have received training and validated experience in working with those which the Registered Practitioner attends. This includes treating such client uniquely with respect and reverence, respecting their personal spiritual journeys, creating a safe and sacred space, keeping clear personal/professional boundaries, ensuring good communication skills including the use of non-judgemental language, and honouring this person's present reality. The Registered practitioner acts in accordance with the Sagh’ic Animist Tradition, Ancestral & Spiritual guidance and demonstrates an understanding of the importance & relevance of the Cosmological Stories and guidance thereof in all required interventions. Registered Practitioners are conversant in and available for common ceremonies and rituals as prescribed by the Sagh’ic training.
The Registered Practitioner abides by the ethics and principles of the Sagh’ic Animist Foundation (India) and they are professionally accountable through regular personal Spirit Intervention and/or supervision, by an appropriately trained Spiritual Practitioner, Minister, and where deemed appropriate or advised, psychological practitioner.
Registered Practitioners act within the ethics and Ladh of the SAF, however the SAF accepts no liability for their practice, methods and/or outcome.
Rev. Merina Mohr
Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Canada
+1 60471 58591