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“Oh my Ancestors calling to me
From the Forest deep and dark and green
To stand upon the Bones of the Earth
To stand beneath the Song of the Stars
That I may run with the fleet of foot
That I may rise with the flight of wings
That I may swim with silvering fin
That I can sing with the wind in the boughs
Oh my Ancestors come and sing your songs to me
Oh my Ancestors come and sing your songs to me
Oh my Ancestors come and hear my songs.”

Welcome to the Hearth

Sagh’ic-Tire Dhream (sar-jeek teeray thrarm), sometimes called the Wolven Path, is an Animist Priestly Warrior Tradition calling us to return to a life of balance, being one with The Great Forest and our own destinies.

There are no coincidences in this Universe, and for whatever reason, you have found your way here now and we are grateful. In the pages that follow we share our hearth with its stories, song and dance; share the wisdom of our Ancestors and Ancient Ones. We invite you to come and warm yourselves by the sacred home fire.  And whether this is your first time here or your hundredth, we trust you will find some wisdom and direction here for where you are on your path of life.


This tradition is a way of being in this world and life, not a religious practice. To live in accordance with this tradition is a choice and an invitation to any and all. It is a Forest in which we can walk in unity and harmony with all the children of the Earth.

Most of all, we are a tradition of hope; an action of desire in finding our way back to our primal origins and our kinship with  The Forest, all of creation.

Upon that journey home, the Father of the Fires, calls and gathers us around his bright, warm flame, shining in the darkness, so that we who are tired, lost, seeking community or a good story, can find a safe and welcoming place of blessing in his Hearth, to share great adventurous tales with warm food and sweet drink. The Hearth is both the beacon of dreams and the heart-home.

We embrace a song of many tunes and verses. We know finally that one song will call us home by whomever or however it is sung; our communities around the world present and live this song and dance, as coloured and interpreted by their own culture, as we do here in India.


It is our hope that our stories will give inspiration and guidance for each personal path to The Forest.

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