Bridge of Stones
September 27th & 28th, 2024
Zorba the Buddha, New Delhi

A spirit journey and quest through the eight traditional pathways.
This is a powerful workshop that takes us together, through the magic of story and the dance of ceremony, to the four static elemental steps; the four totemic directions and the four transitory bridges; the four passage directions.
Following the Nomadic journey of the Ancients from Mountain to Plains, to Ocean, to Forest, and home again, thus engaging in those experiences of being, across a spirit bridge, and so, to discover our own spiritual emergence.
This is a ‘non process’ workshop, rather an experience of the ‘inevitable’.
Be prepared to be changed, be prepared to live in a new state of consciousness.
This workshop is a great introduction to the Sagh’ic Animist Tradition,
presented by John-Luke Edwards.
9.30am - 6pm
26th & 27th September, 2024
Zorba the Buddha, 7, Tropical Dr., Ghitorni, New Delhi

“Spiritual development is a long and arduous journey, an adventure through strange lands full of surprises, difficulties and even dangers. It involves a drastic transmutation of the ‘normal’ elements of the personality, an awakening of potentialities hitherto dormant, a raising of consciousness to new realms, and a functioning along a new inner dimension.”
Roberto Assagioli.
Fee for the event – Rs 6950
Closing date for registrations July 1st 2024
For more information, or to register, contact
Please note there are limited spaces for this workshop.
Please register using the form below.
All fees must be paid on or before 1st July 2024.
Those registering after 1st July must pay fee in full.
Prices include relevant taxes and appropriate discounts.
Cancellations and refunds:
Full refunds up to 28 days from invoice date, providing invoice date is before July 1st.
50% refunds less deposit up to August 1st. No refunds after August 2nd.
All information is gathered in strictest confidence and used only for registration purposes.
For enquiries or further information please email